
Do not keep your beloved family seat over CNG bomb, switch to LPG….Be safe and keep safe.
No crisis, save upto 50% on your fuel economy and run your business smoothly. So no more delay switch to LPG Conversion today.
Choosing LPG is Choosing Ultmate Future….

For more information please contact us:

KA– 74/2, Kuril Progati Sarani Road, Dhaka-1229

+8801711839733, +8801849651256

LPG Vaporizer

We can offer a full range of LPG vaporizers. The vaporizer is a heat exchanger specially designed in order the liquefied petroleum gas enters in a liquid form and comes out in a gaseous form, ready to be used in civil, industrial and commercial applications.

Advance LPG Engineering Technology LTD designed the vaporizer by bringing together a heat exchanger and an inlet liquid control valve totally mechanical. LPG is pre-heated by an intermediate fluid (water), that comes from an external boiler (hot water version) or pre-heated by an EExd electrical resistance (electric version) with two thermostats, one of regulation and one of safety.